Our Beginning
In November of 2017, God called Pastor Zilzah Trotter to plant a house
of worship within the body of Christ. Once he conveyed this to his wife
Aleccia, they began to seek the Lord’s guidance on the name of the
ministry. Pastor Z (as he is fondly called) knew the ministry would be
based on this premise; love is the great foundational unifier that rejects
every notion of there being any separation between the children of God.
They also knew that in order to reflect the true heart of Christ;
“Worship” needed to be the principle cornerstone upon which the
ministry would stand. After much prayer, meditation, research and
collaboration; God revealed ONE KINGDOM WORSHIP
MINISTRIES in December 2017. Shortly thereafter, in January of 2018
the ministry was incorporated.
On Sunday, February 4, 2018 the inaugural service was streamed live
from McKenzie Falls Clubhouse in Bolingbrook, IL. Believers from near
and far came to support the vision God had given for One Kingdom
Worship Ministries. In March, the ministry moved to Oakview
Elementary School then moved again in October 2018 to their current
gathering place of Worship at the Annerino Community Center also
located in Bolingbrook, IL.
As the ministry began to grow, Pastor Z started Friday night bible study.
Uncertain of knowing how people would respond, he took a leap of faith
and began going through the bible starting in the book of Genesis
Chapter 1. People responded positively to the Friday bible study and as
a result, Pastor was given another vision to begin a Biblically based
Open Forum on Tuesday nights. It serves as a way to engage the
children of God and provides both an opportunity and platform to
dialogue, and receive answers to questions they have concerning their
faith. This too has been a blessing to the Saints as it fosters an
environment of open communication and encourages them to freely
express themselves without fear of judgment.
One Kingdom’s affirmation of faith boldly declares “We believe our
greatest act of worship is to love”. The vision of One Kingdom is to
pursue and convey the truth that the life of every believer is rooted in the
“ONENESS” of Jesus Christ. Pastor Z encourages everyone to love for
we are One Kingdom… We have One King…He is the One Ruler over